Motion Smoothing 

Motion Smoothing is an advanced AI filter available in Animate 3D that helps remove jitter and enhance the smoothness of animations. It is designed to create visually appealing and fluid motions.

However, it's important to note that enabling Motion Smoothing may result in slightly reduced animation accuracy for certain frames or sequences. To achieve the best results, take note of the tools that can be used alongside Motion Smoothing.

How to Enable Motion Smoothing. 

Adjust the degree of Motion Smoothing to find the right balance between smoothness and accuracy for your project.

Enable Motion Smoothing selectively.

  • Keep in mind that Motion Smoothing improves fluidity but may impact animation accuracy.
  • Assess your animation and identify areas where jitter or roughness is noticeable.
  • Consider using the Rotoscope Pose Editor, Physics Filter, or Speed Multiplier in conjunction with Motion Smoothing for enhanced results.

Test, Review, & Fine-Tune. 

  • After applying Motion Smoothing, thoroughly review the animation to ensure it meets your expectations.
  • Pay attention to any potential trade-offs between smoothness and accuracy, especially in critical frames or sequences where jitter adds to the accuracy of the motion. 
  • You can rerun Motion Smoothing and make further adjustments as needed.

Experiment with different settings and combinations of tools (Rotoscope Pose Editor, Physics Filter, or Speed Multiplier) to find the optimal balance for each animation.


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