Capture Guidelines - Quick Guide

To ensure the best animation quality with DeepMotion's Animate 3D, please follow these video capture guidelines. Please note that certain features, such as facial tracking and hand tracking, may have additional considerations outlined in our detailed capture guidelines.


Human Motion Capture

  • Our Ai Motion Capture is for human characters and based around human motion and can be applied to human or humanoid characters.
  • Cartoon or abstract figures are not suitable for animation. Avoid using videos that contain cartoon or abstract characters.

Camera Placement:

  • Position the camera 2-6 meters (6-20 feet) away from your subject.
  • Keep the camera stationary and perpendicular to the person being recorded

Character Placement:

  • Ensure that the video includes a full body, half body, or face of a human subject.
  • For face-tracking get best results from a headshot or half body motion capture.
  • Avoid any objects or occlusion that may cover parts of the body.

Ground Motions:

  • If you're shooting motions on the ground, try to angle your camera at a 3/4 angle to make sure key joints are not occluded by other parts of the body


  • Use neutral lighting conditions.
  • Avoid excessively bright or dark lighting.


  • Create a high contrast between the subject and the background for easier motion tracking.


  • Do not wear loose clothing or clothing that covers key joints like knees and elbows. Exposed joints are best! Clothing color should vary, not be all solid colors like all black, with patterns being highly recommended.


  • Note: The maximum allowed video length is 300 seconds, and the maximum file size is 50 MB for Freemium plan, 100 MB for Innovator, and 200 MB for Professional users. For more details on video formats, output animation formats, and account plan limits, please refer to our General FAQ and Pricing page at

Delve into our more detailed guides for additional insights

Single Person Capture Guide

Multi-Person Tracking Capture Guidelines

Facial Tracking Video Capture Guide

Hand Tracking Video Capture Guide


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