Free Animation Starter Package 

To help you get started with Animate 3D, DeepMotion has partnered with Endless Reference to offer the Animate 3D Starter Package to our community, completely free of charge. 

With this package, you'll have access to high-quality motion reference videos from Endless Reference, covering a wide range of motions such as Mixed Martial Arts, walking, running, and more. By combining these reference videos with Animate 3D, you can generate impressive 3D animations without the need for additional suits or hardware. Use these motions to learn how to use Animate 3D. Remember you can apply these motions to our default characters, custom characters, or characters you create using Ready Player Me or Avaturn

To download the Animate 3D Starter Package, simply click the provided link here.

Here's what you'll find in the Animate 3D Starter Package:

  • X10 Endless Reference MP4 motion videos: These videos provide valuable motion references that you can use as inspiration for your animations.

  • X10 Animate 3D FBX & GLB animation files: We've included a selection of pre-created animations for you to try out in your animation software. These files can be easily integrated into your projects.

  • X10 Animation preview videos: Preview videos are also included, giving you a glimpse of the animations in action before you use them.

With the Animate 3D Starter Package, you can explore a range of animations without using up your free animation time. Additionally, you'll have access to the source videos, allowing you to test different settings and see the impact they have on your animations.

We hope you enjoy using the Animate 3D Starter Package and find it helpful. If you have any other questions on how to capture the best videos yourself check out our Capture Guidelines and for any additional questions visit our forum.


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