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October 8, 2024
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SayMotion V2.4 | Loop Animations, Refine Motions, Rerun to Optimize Settings and Retarget Characters

SayMotion V2.4 | Loop Animations, Refine Motions, Rerun to Optimize Settings and Retarget Characters

With SayMotion V2.4, take full control of your text and video-generated 3D animations using our new AI Editing tools: Loop, Refine and Rerun! The Loop feature offers a variety of options to create seamless loops, whether your animation is grounded or airborne. Refine enhances animations with a new Creativity filter and refinement text prompts, while Rerun lets you optimize post-processing animation settings, such as Foot Locking modes, and easily retarget animations to any character in your library for added flexibility!

New AI Editing Tool: Loop

  • AI Loop: Automatically creates a seamless loop by matching the beginning and end of your animation. The Loop Tools allow you to refine and perfect the loop, ensuring the motion feels continuous without visible cuts or jumps.
    • Transition Period: Specifies the time (up to 8 seconds) it takes to blend between the last frame and the first frame of the animation. This allows for smoother transitions, reducing any sudden shifts or breaks when the animation restarts.
    • Root Fix Modes: Provides options to adjust how the root motion (the movement of the character’s base or “root”) is handled during looping, ensuring that the character moves fluidly when the animation cycles. Different modes allow for specific control over which aspects of the root motion are blended.
      • Locked: Keeps the character fixed in one position during the loop, preventing any drift or movement when the animation repeats. This is useful for animations where the character should stay in place, such as idle or standing poses.
      • Blend Horizontal: Smoothly blends the character’s horizontal (side-to-side) positions between the last and first frame, ensuring the character’s movement feels continuous along the horizontal axis. This is ideal for animations with horizontal displacement, like walking or running loops.
      • Blend Altitude: Blends the vertical (up-and-down) root positions, ensuring that any changes in height between the last and first frame (such as a jumping motion) flow seamlessly together in the loop.
      • Blend Orientation: Adjusts the character’s rotational orientation between the last and first frame, ensuring that the character’s facing direction or rotation flows smoothly in the loop, without sudden changes in direction.
      • Fix Root Scope: Determines which section of the looped clip is affected by root motion adjustments. This helps fine-tune specific parts of the animation where the root needs fixing, preventing unnatural movement in specific frames while allowing other sections to loop smoothly.
    • Loop Repetitions Generator: Using our new built-in tool you can generate multiple repetitions of the looped animation and then add them directly into your longer animations using our AI Merge or AI Inpainting tools. 

New AI Editing Tool: Refine

  • AI Refine: A motion to motion AI editing tool to enhance motion accuracy and refine the motion details. Explore the Refine Tools to optimize your animations!
  • Creativity Scale (0.0 - 1.0): This scale controls how much the AI alters the input motion to either better match the refining text prompt or produce smoother, more natural movements when no prompt is provided. The higher the creativity setting, the more the AI modifies the original motion.
    • Examples:
      • Creativity 0.9: Replaces most of the input motion to closely match the refining text prompt or create a more natural flow.
      • Creativity 0.5: Removes rough edges of the motion, adjusting some details to either align with the prompt or improve fluidity.
      • Creativity 0.0: Retains the original animation, only refining the motion for a smoother, more natural look.
    • Text Prompt: Provides a guide for your Creativity setting. This will not completely replace the original motion you have originally generated, but will inform the Creativity filter on top.
      • For example, you can Refine the base animation “A person walks in a circle” to have more emotion with “A person walks joyously in a circle”

Rerun Your Animations

  • Rerun: You can now edit your post processed Animation Settings and Change your Character with our new Rerun feature! Choose a single Variant you like and change the Animation Settings for Physics Filter, Motion Smoothing, Foot Locking Modes and even retarget your animations to a different Character!
    • Animate 3D Users: Love your AI mocap but want to change your character? Import your animations into SayMotion and Rerun your animations!
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