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January 7, 2022
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Animate 3D V3.5 - Roblox & VRoid Support, Jump Animations & More!

DeepMotion’s Animate 3D V3.5 Release adds a default Roblox character for seamless integration with ROBLOX, Vroid VRM Custom Character support, a massive UI overhaul..

Animate 3D V3.5 - Roblox & VRoid Support, Jump Animations & More!

DeepMotion’s Animate 3D V3.5 Release adds a default Roblox character for seamless integration with Roblox, Vroid VRM Custom Character support, a massive UI overhaul for easier and quicker animation creation and a whole host of quality of life updates.

Portal Updates:

  • Roblox Default Character: The Roblox R15 character rig will now appear as one of the Default Character options! You can now choose a Roblox R15 default character to automatically retarget your animations to. This will allow you to quickly and easily import your Roblox character animations into Roblox Studio without going into Blender.
  • VRoid VRM Custom Character: You can now upload your .VRM character files to your Custom Characters library for fast retargeting and easy upload into VRoid and other AR/VR and live streaming apps that support the .VRM file format .
  • Streamlined User Interface: Create jobs faster and with less clicks using our streamlined workflow that combines your 3D Animation or 3D Pose and Custom Characters steps into one simple interface.
  • Animation Job Error Feedback: When creating animations, more detailed messages and recommendations will now display for jobs that fail due to various possibilities. Most failures are due to the following: video uploaded exceeds subscription limits for upload or video quality does not meet our minimum requirements for a quality animation.
  • Multi Session Support: You can now have multiple sessions of Animate 3D running at any given time. Start your animation, set it and forget it.
  • .MJPG Support: You can now upload your .MJPG video files for your animation creation.

Animation Quality Update:

  • Low Jump Detection: Increased detections of motions that have low ground jumps for example during jump rope or  jumping jacks.
  • 3D Pose Face Tracking: You can now use Face Tracking when generating static 3D poses. Turning on the Face Tracking feature can also improve the tracking of the head position.
  • Improved Hand-to-Ground Contact: Improved hand contact to the ground when the hands rotate.

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